Information about Caleta de Fuste for tourists and residents.

When planning your holiday in Caleta de Fuste you will obviously want to know what is available here. In order that you can find what you need to know here is a breakdown of the information that we currently have.

We have information on getting about the island, including car hire , tours that you can take, and bus timetables .

As well as general information on Caleta, we have information on things to do in Caleta, such as the harbour and beach activities, shopping, the market and walks out of Caleta to couple of interesting places, or you might want to see some photographs . We also have a page of activities for children , including things that will keep them quiet and cost nothing!!

For those of you that like a more active life, or those that like to watch sports, may we suggest you visit our Caleta Sports page , our general sports page or the watersports page, depending on your particular interests.

Caleta now boasts a new casino, Fuerteventura Casino .

General information on the island can be found on the island page , including birdlife animals, flora and windmills , which are all over the island.

Restaurants and bars in Caleta, are listed, and to find them, or to find your way around, you may want to look at the maps page , we are working on new maps of Caleta, Nuevo Horizonte/Costa Antigua, Puerto del Rosario and Corralejo, with more to come. If you are looking for details on a particular business in the Antigua area, we have information on that as well.

The events and fiestas page will give you information on what is happening on the island, and clicking the news page will give you up to date information on news items of interest. You will certainly want to check the weather .

Some of you might be planning to buy property or have already bought. We have information on property for sale and also have a developments page where you can see how your property is coming along.

Also on the top right side of our pages, you will find our sponsors. Please visit both their pages and their establishments when you can and mention our name. This will help us continue to make the site grow.

If the information that you require is not here, please email us and we will try to find out for you, as we are keen to provide a good service for visitors to our site.

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